
Taobao promotion use should pay attention to the "doctrine"

How to promote taobao well operation, how to make your own baby let customers search is appeared in front of him, cannot leave you here to learn skills of profound doctrine. Here are some of their learning to the magical power to recommend to you, hope to help all the love qing (pro).
Do taobao "thought is that practice is, for those routes, ejection avenue", and mentioned, and the potential, the foot seven eldest brother also said such a word, then what is the way, what is art, what is potential and a lot of people don't understand. So I understand, it's like ma teacher's martial arts world, it is a good martial arts moves, there is no method that the cow force, also could not make the essence of forms.
So, is forms, methods, such as train we will open, and do good, we do drill exhibition, also did a good job, we offer activities, all, we do offer, is pretty good. Drainage association. Etc. Let the traffic in method to improve conversion rate is. There is not much about.
So way was to compare the xuan, speak not clear, is not to say today, the focus of the simple is to do business people must have thought, do operations, to insight into the market of product, class objective conditions. Do the product, how to make product commercialization, packaging, feature extraction conforms to the buyer. How to make a perfect customer experience architecture, it is particularly important. How to do the product positioning, and so on, need to use the buyer psychology, market analysis, data marketing, strategic management, etc., it is also a method, but you need to put the total rudder control is good, go to thought control.
What is known as, to put it bluntly, taobao want, buyers need, is the business going well. Often someone said was right, the system exist hidden down right what of, taobao support so-and-so, change the rules on XXX, etc., in fact, small and medium-sized sellers don't care about this stuff, do your own thing, let others go elsewhere. Of the sentence, "heaven and earth goes to all things live," heaven and earth is so big, being so much, god don't have time to ignore everyone under the sun, so treat everyone is equal. Taobao is the same, the businessman thousands, taobao system is equal to everyone, someone ready, we can't do, think about your reasons. Taobao don't want us to do, we don't do, we need to make the effort to do well, and its meaning, the system served well, good, the result let nature take its course, if you are ready, also do not rise, then look at their products, but scarce as waste products and perfect products, so the suitable taobao's meaning.
Through train and diamond booth are the tools of drainage, small and medium-sized sellers in train and diamond booth do not lose money, this not losing money refers to the product gross margin, so I said you cow force, I worship you, since losing money, south wall is so hard, why rush to bump south wall, wall, of course, is to hit, because blasting, to search points are useful, but not too deep to think of these two things. Short ready, waiting for you to search the time your shop internal work do good, certainly the essence of the through train and diamond booth can be summarized into one word "cut", such as through train, the useless words, bad words cut, cut off the useless area, to cut, no time is a constant process of trial and error and optimization. Diamond booth, too, be sure to test out a high click rate of cow force image, put, put the useless directional cut, store the unused areas cut off, and so on. Need large crowd directional flow is selected, bigger flux for bai, every time on the recorded data, which has had no effect on the unprofitable, we don't.
What is the potential of searching for? Two core, four basis points.
Two aspects is the core:
First, we want to please taobao system.
Second, we need to curry favor with the buyer
So how to generate a search traffic, there are four main points:
First, buyers to search for what he want, such as the buyer search "electric toothbrush" and this we call link, if your product title without electric toothbrush, the search for with you. If your category is not on the electric toothbrush category, the search for you.
Second, the title should contain key words, is the title of optimization, it is very important, directly about your product is the size of the search field.
Third, the baby will try to rely on top, the best is the first three. More than a dozen pages to you row, who see ah.
Fourth, the first diagram shows you pictures are attractive enough.
Two core is thought, nothing concrete operation, four basis points below the main speak
Natural flow is that a few? Mainly three categories flow, integrated traffic, popularity of traffic. Search rule changes, popular traffic accounts for less than, sentiment flow less, not to say that we do not take the item's popularity. All rankings, in addition to sales, price, credit ranking, all someone gas ranking factors, also in popularity in the comprehensive ranking factors, other factors are in competitive situations, or sorted by popularity. Point to bear in mind, so no matter how, or popularity around, please bear in mind the "sentiment" this two word.
The first basis points, is relevance.
If buyers to enter a down jacket, taobao system will be in their database, look for these goods. What goods conform to, first of all, the goods are placed in the down jacket category to you. Second, the title contains down the key words.
The second point, how to optimize the title.
How to put 30 word? The title of the many generation techniques are mentioned. Title has two effects, one is for buyers to see, one is to the system. Do you want to have a marketing things, such as mail, finally 100 a time, in addition to the system, you have to start looking for a word, where to find? I usually go to tao word, put this product related words with you, as to what is looking for a large quantity of search term, or a high conversion rate of words, it depends. But one thing must be careful, the goods you there will be a main keyword searches particularly big, must revolve around the main keywords, is looking for attribute words or find a long tail, it depends, what is the situation? Sent on the generation of a wide range of skills, I believe that one hundred people have one hundred Hamlet, suggestion is to test. Let you the title of the broader, more buyers search for your baby. Note that the title to smooth, do not have too much repetition of keyword stuffing, system don't like oh.
The third point, how to let the baby no more. I do very good category relevance, done very carefully.
We have a good title optimization ah, how not to race, no traffic?
Here said the three factors that influence the ranking of believe is familiar.
Under the comprehensive ranking factors: need taobao time within 24 hours
Most popular factors: baby need high affinity, high popularity value
Category ranking influence factor: taobao recommend priority attribute and category
Say popularity ranking first, baby came up, the other has to say. Sentiment on how this is A theory, I think, in A new product, taobao will be given the growing popularity of close to the average value, that we how to increase the popularity of the baby (complement, conversion calculation only search traffic, it's not that we usually see baby conversion, other services such as express into the store, drill, inbound flow and other entrance flow points only, don't lose points, other entry points more than the search sales points of sales. This particular popularity rankings. This sentence seems to be A lecturer with feet seven boss confirmed), but don't think so, just crazy introduction of off-site debris flow, inbound flow are not affect the overall sentiment, not refers to the comprehensive ranking, comprehensive ranking related to the quality of the store, they will understand. When a baby is the first day of 100 traffic, conversion of 5. There are 150 traffic, the second day into ten pens. Flow rate increased, the conversion increased, the system will think that this baby is popular, the system will find out the customers love and more and more like baby, this is for us to calculate flow rate and conversion rate, here is our early do search popularity must get good things, when the system is dead, and people's living, calculating system, in turn, the sentiment to go up. Need to note here that the DSR is popularity to lose points, such as a bargain, you've done, this does not affect the flow of the conversion of popular baby conversion rate, but was getting bad DSR, it will affect the shops, affect the item.
Then the comprehensive ranking, the earth person all know comprehensive ranking associated with upper and lower frame, when choosing shelves is a knowledge, can to find related articles sent generation, can have two periods, one is particularly high traffic and buying time. And there's a avoid traffic and purchases, particularly high time feel talking nonsense, all want to oh. Some small and medium-sized buyers is good, I almost to be pulled from the shelves of this period of time, to find their own baby, see, or not, is not to be pulled from the shelves, want to rely on top? Is not enough, at this time there are too many baby to the shelves, how do we compete? This depends on the comprehensive quality of the shop, the overall quality of taobao system statistics all the shops, he would pass a few many dimensions to judge you whether the store is recommended shop, there are several big factors, rate of stores and shops of the return rate, store the DSR and so on, therefore, must pay attention to these dimensions. Must be lethal to maintain.
Combined with good baby, good comprehensive quality stores, good title coverage, your baby, couldn't come to the top is difficult, but easier said than done,,.
Is the last category list, you ready, ready to shop after we go to see the category ranking factors, buyers click category, taobao will give priority properties, such as the word "han edition" really hot recently, your down jacket is Europe and the United States, might be to rank well.
Finally add that system how to determine the quality of your baby and popularity, because the search engine will collect the data, baby judgment criteria for a baby is the buyers like it or not, the system is made by the buyer in the retention period of baby page, there is a buyer is willing to pull the bottom to see baby, and see the baby if you'd like to go to the home page to see other baby, the baby quality score, the higher the quality score, the more likely it is to gain popularity.
The fourth point, how to make a first picture of enough to attract buyers let buyers click in, and see what hot search keywords promotion information buyers are most concerned about, model rows good left or right, if we need to look at pictures of competitors, dealing with differentiation, you to the test, there is always needed, produced pictures is unknown in detail.

