
Beibei bars - unique watermark printing and dyeing, frivolous breathable cotton material

June 18, businesses take the initiative to contact, to determine the size, style with me, 26, has received the goods, is only a person with children, can't always come out too much time to edit the trial report. Don't say too much nonsense, let's enter the theme! Open the package is simple and easy cellophane tape bag packaging:

Actually simplified on the packaging, can greatly save the cost and give to your mom more affordable prices, this is a people like it very much. Also comes with a invoice in the package:

The trial process and experience

Then we from various aspects to learn about this T-shirt!
First to see the appearance (including shipping) :
Containing 90% cotton, because of the elastic fabric is very good, so I think the rest may be added 10% spandex.
Take a look at work (turn to look at it and thread processing) :

In addition, it is with transparent elastic shoulder, hey ~ wear for a long time is not easy to deformation

Measure the clothes size, with the size of the merchants to make a comparison:
Businesses provide size:
YiChang: 41 cm bust: 28 cm sleeve length: 12 cm
Bust: 1 cm, chest size: 1.7 cm, sleeve length: 0.5 cm
Because of the error of Turner go line, each one measuring technique is different, and so on reasons, differ 1 -- 2 cm, and even a 2-3 cm, belong to the scope of normal, so the size provided basically is accurate.
Well, in addition to see how cotton elastic. Because the child's head is bigger, like this set of head, shoulder clasp of t-shirts, first concern is the size of the collar. Believe many moms like me come across this kind of question: collar is too small, not good to wear, and even outgrown. Collar is too big, the child shoulder a narrow, clothes and it is easy to slide, revealing a small shoulder. This T-shirt encounter these situations are completely don't have to worry about, because it is very good, the collar of the elastic can open is very big, will rebound soon again at the same time, very convenient to wear off, put on later also very fit:

In addition a lot of children have big belly, garment body flexible enough to wear. Some people might think this collar is a bit wrinkled, is not very good, actually wear upper body, is not obvious. Because the elasticity of the collar is very good, touch feel have add a layer of contents, once I thought it was like the shoulders with transparent elastic, do a little test:

The neckline is three layers of the thread cloth, so just can have such a good elasticity and retracted. So also do not have to worry about wear long collar was involved large deformation.

, then there is a test need to do is to look at the fabric of high cotton content is not high, we cut off a piece of skirt to burn look:

Combustion is full, in addition to the clip on the scissors cloth not to burn up, other are burned into ashes, white tie no black piece, the smoke of burning is also white smoke, no bad, similar to the smell of plastic. All this shows that the cotton content of cloth should be very high.

On new clothes, many mothers are used to wash the clothes to wear, because clothing processing, will inevitably come into contact with some of the dust, oil and so on. After hand washing to dry, then measure the clothes size, look have shrink phenomenon:

Bust: 0.2 cm, chest size: 0.2 cm, shoulder width: 1 cm, sleeve length: 0.3 cm
Basically differ little, did not shrink, deformation phenomenon. (shoulder width size is large, which may be associated with flatness measuring gestures or put clothes, feel the shoulder on both sides have two juncture, amount is not very good, ha ha! Is not very professional, everyone's strange ~)

Finally turn to my baby to play, ha ha! His habit to daughter to choose a larger size, so I can wear a little longer. T-shirt easing a bit, see this clothes everywhere, on my home baby ~ in action height 87 cm, 100 yards in a little longer:

Match the skirt, is also very beautiful!

Bright spots recommendation or advice

Especially like this kind of T-shirt cotton frivolous breathable, wear in summer is not hot, if this is what other people say "breathing fabric"? Additional watermark printing clear beautiful, soft and not stiff, differ from general offset printing. And different from ordinary printing and dyeing, after washing will not fade at all. In a word, this T-shirt although there is no external packaging, but all aspects of quality is unambiguous, is the product you mother can rest assured choice. Also choose a baby for you, let your baby with beibei bars, dancing together!

