
How to quickly in a short time to make DSR higher than the industry average

Intro: maybe you think this score is not good, to the God like shop immeasurably (such as Afu home scores at 4.94 is higher than the industry average of 50%), but for me this in every day special, two minutes was taken 400 single small sellers is already a good score every battle; finally successfully finished, looked at his shop DSR score in the industry status, Xiaobian again speechless, for a first time activities, place an order quantity is very large, there is not enough time to prepare the case (last article Xiaobian mentioned, every day a few days ago led by a grasp to go to travel). The smooth finish every day is very great. Proud of my own, if you can get the last activity, must be well prepared. So let's have a look at the big stores theory. We also tried to small sellers from several aspects, his taobao english shop on the corner of DSR score up.

Recently and some business friends online communication, have a few friends to me complain, recently the DSR score has been in decline, both shop DSR, or a single product DSR; these have caused, but the daily DSR is also on the decline; at the same time, they also want to a series of "good practices", such as in the details page prompts buyers "5 comments from screenshots to return the cash 10 yuan", "5 comments from iPad Award", "5 points." the lifelong post card "and so on, is" the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each shows special prowess "but has little effect after harvest, so have to pour out their own difficulties, think about how to improve DSR solution. The advantage of this opportunity, and we explore the DSR score.
Because the DSR score will affect the single product search, participate in marketing activities, its importance is self-evident, everybody is very clear, I am not here to say. So, today, from how to turn your DSR score remained at 4.9 points; everyone's attention, here I used the "keep" rather than "upgrade", please carefully consider the difference between the two words.
Since the beginning I mentioned products and services of the two block, then I also from the "products" and "service" this to talk about how to let their own shops have a beautiful DSR score
One, the product end

Product is the cornerstone of the development of a shop, but also the needs of buyers place. The product has a direct impact on the customer experience.
1, supply chain
First of all we talk about is the supply chain, a lot of people will doubt, supply chain and the DSR score any association, just in your work is not aware of.

As we all know, the shop explosion models and main paragraph as a period sales unpopular, and sometimes there will be an off color, broken code phenomenon, but when the thing to flow in, we can't watch it flow to lose it, so we came up with a "pre-sale" merit! In the title, details page hit "the L code black pre-sale 10 days after shipment"; then we started an emergency to factory replenishment, the factory also take an oath devoutly to give you 10 days can arrive; but due to various reasons, such as the factory to give you a reply, the shortage of raw materials, packaging is not in place, there are jobs the production line interference and so on, it is all sorts of reason to drag you, this is the problem with traditional manufacturing industry, the concept of production time is very poor; but the electric time requirements brilliant, say 10 days after delivery the goods, but not in the right place, and the buyer to wait 3 days, then Buyer finally after a long wait yearn day and night, received a package, but his patience has also been a great test! If the link in the product, logistics, service and so no problem situation, buyers up to 5 points you praise, more buyers to give you about 4 minutes. It then turns down, you need to use the number of 5 points to offset lower DSR score.
Therefore, in the daily marketing activities in the supply chain, this should be "short, frequency, fast", reasonable estimates of its own inventory according to marketing node and needs to promote their own, do not taobao spree wait until the goods to replenishment, then it was too late! Supply to the operations team data analysis, marketing forecast requirements such as very high rapid reaction chain, specifically how to reasonably control inventory, here I no longer talk.

2, quality
Quality is the fundamental business survival and development, there are many enterprises play the "quality is life!" The slogan, it is self-evident that the importance of! In the increasingly fierce competition in the business, even more so! The product quality is fundamental to our survival, there is no good quality, good packaging and services cannot satisfy the requirement of consumer, because the consumer is to buy a comfortable products, the packaging and serving only to "the icing on the cake", not "in the snow to send carbon".

The last time a silk friend said to me recently, a single product on the activity, activity end on a single product, DSR score fell to 4.6, asked me what happened, open the evaluation items of this, found 10 evaluation has 8 evaluation mentioned products, easy to wrinkle and other bad fading evaluation, then I asked him this product is it right? Like, say, he said yes, fade and fold is a common problem in silk; later we found mainly evaluates the big red products is fading severity, product evaluation of other colors are ok. My friend said that, before this product by just a little, but the fading is very serious, probably because in poly cost-effective, factory rush delivery, the quality of the products is not to control, the next negotiation and plant matter.

